How to Use Voice to Text or Dictation on Chromebook

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The Chromebook speech-to-text capability, sometimes known as dictation, is an accessibility tool that enables users to input text by speaking into the device rather than using the keyboard. Everything that you say will be turned into text immediately after it is captured.

It is commonly referred to by a variety of names, including voice typing, talk to type, voice dictation, and speech to text. Let’s take a look at how to activate, deactivate, and make use of the Chromebook’s speech-to-text functionality if you prefer using your voice to type.

How to Enable Voice to Text or Dictation on Chromebook

There are two different approaches to utilizing voice to type on a Chromebook. First, utilize the speak-to-type capability that is available across the entire system. Afterward, use the voice typing feature that is available on the on-screen keyboard. Let’s get into both of these approaches.

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Method 1: Use System-Wide Speech to Text

Before you can begin utilizing this method, you will first need to go into the accessibility settings of your Chromebook and turn on the Dictation option. This method is usable for devices that do not have touch screens as well as those that do.

  1. To open Quick Panel, click on the time in the lower-right corner of the screen. Select Settings from the Quick Panel.
  2. Click on Accessibility in the Advanced area of the left sidebar.
  3. Go to the right panel and select Manage accessibility features.
  4. You’ll find this information at the bottom of the page. A toggle next to “Enable dictation” should be turned on.
  5. To select a language for voice typing, click the Change button next to the Language option under Dictation.
  6. The microphone icon will show on the Chromebook’s Shelf, also known as the Taskbar, as soon as you enable the dictation option in Step 4. To begin typing with your voice, simply click on this symbol. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Search + D (or Launcher key + D) to enable voice typing without first selecting the microphone icon in the taskbar.

Let’s imagine you want to use your voice to find anything in the Chromebook settings. Enter “settings” into the settings search box with your mouse. On the Chromebook’s shelf, click on the microphone icon and begin speaking. Any words you speak will be transcribed into text.

If you stop talking, dictation will immediately cease. Chromebook will also cease listening if either of the following two conditions is met:

  • If you leave the text box where you were typing, you’ll lose your work.
  • If you press the microphone symbol a second time, you’ll hear the recording.

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Method 2: Using Voice Typing With On-Screen Keyboard

On the Chromebook’s on-screen keyboard, voice typing is also available. The keyboard shortcut or the shelf on a Chromebook can be used to initiate voice typing on touchscreen devices. You don’t need to enable any options to begin utilizing it. The following are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the Chromebook’s on-screen keyboard. Chromebook Settings > Advanced > Accessibility > Manage accessibility features / Enable on-screen keyboard may be required before you can use the virtual keyboard.
  2. Start speaking what you want to type when the keyboard appears on the screen by clicking on the Microphone button.

How to Edit Text Using Voice Commands

In order to conduct text editing operations like copy-paste, delete, select, undo, etc. while typing using voice, speak the following commands:

  • Select all: Selects everything in the text field.
  • Unselect: Clears the selected text.
  • Copy: Copy the selected text to the clipboard.
  • Cut: Copies and deletes the selected text.
  • Paste: Paste the text from the clipboard.
  • Delete: Delete selected text or the previous character.
  • Undo: Clears previous text-editing action.
  • Redo: Repeats previous text-editing action.
  • New line: Move the cursor to a new line.
  • Move to the next line: Moves the cursor to the next line.
  • Move to the previous line: Moves the cursor to the previous line.

How to Turn off Dictation on Chromebook

You can turn off the dictation option by heading to Chromebook Settings > Advanced > Accessibility > Manage accessibility features in order to do so. Disable dictation by flipping the switch to the off position.

Note: When you turn off Dictation in the accessibility options, the on-screen keyboard will still allow you to type with your voice.